That little bit of chub you see in these pictures (on Clyde not me😂😘) means so much to me.
Ever since Clyde came home from the hospital, we have heard COUNTLESS comments about his weight. Each and every comment really got to me and I struggled so much with doubt that he was actually doing fine like the doctor said, or that I really should just quit breastfeeding and MAYBE then he would gain weight on formula, like everyone else said. Add that on top of being a new mom and all of the fun postpartum emotions I was going through and it nearly caused me to quit something I REALLY loved and knew was best for me and my son.
It hasn’t been an easy road but we pushed through and we did it. He is back on the charts and in the fifth percentile for weight. That might not mean much to some people, but if you’ve ever had a child who struggled to gain weight, you know what a victory this was for us.
That was at his six month appointment 3+ weeks ago and since then I’ve thought a lot about it. Isn’t that just a number? The fact is that whether he’s on “the charts” or not—he’s growing at his own pace, he is healthy and he is SO happy. He is much much much more than a percentile and I’m so proud of him for all of the progress that he has made! He’s been through the ringer with a traumatic birth, tongue and lip ties, having to go through multiple consultations, Craniosacral therapy AND daily stretches and exercises—he AMAZES me. And I love him so much, no matter what size he is. ❤️