That little bit of chub you see in these pictures (on Clyde not me😂😘) means so much to me.
Ever since Clyde came home from the hospital, we have heard COUNTLESS comments about his weight. Each and every comment really got to me and I struggled so much with doubt that he was actually doing fine like the doctor said, or that I really should just quit breastfeeding and MAYBE then he would gain weight on formula, like everyone else said. Add that on top of being a new mom and all of the fun postpartum emotions I was going through and it nearly caused me to quit something I REALLY loved and knew was best for me and my son.
It hasn’t been an easy road but we pushed through and we did it. He is back on the charts and in the fifth percentile for weight. That might not mean much to some people, but if you’ve ever had a child who struggled to gain weight, you know what a victory this was for us.
That was at his six month appointment 3+ weeks ago and since then I’ve thought a lot about it. Isn’t that just a number? The fact is that whether he’s on “the charts” or not—he’s growing at his own pace, he is healthy and he is SO happy. He is much much much more than a percentile and I’m so proud of him for all of the progress that he has made! He’s been through the ringer with a traumatic birth, tongue and lip ties, having to go through multiple consultations, Craniosacral therapy AND daily stretches and exercises—he AMAZES me. And I love him so much, no matter what size he is. ❤️
Archives for September 2019
Why Sleep Training is Hard for Mama | Sleep Training
Why Sleep Training is Hard for Mama | Sleep Training
Sleep training is a lot harder for me than I thought.
This past weekend we started “sleep training” Clyde. For a long time, we didn’t see any need in ever having to do that since he has been an amazing sleeper since day 1 and always slept through the night.
But.. sleeping through the night wasn’t our goal with sleeping training.
Our goals include:
- Fully transitioning Clyde to his own room to sleep during the night and through naps
- Clyde being able to independently put himself to sleep aka not nursing to sleep
- Me being able to have some extra time on my hands and sanity from not constantly nursing him to sleep 😅
As soon as he was asleep that first night I was so happy and EXCITED to have some freedom and time to myself. Then by night 3, as we took his bassinet out of our room for good, it hit me. It hit me HARD.
I was suddenly so full of emotions and mainly so sad to not have him right next to me. Thinking about it, I had him next to me or inside my tummy for the past 15+ months every single night. I was so caught up in the exhaustion and frustration from CONSTANTLY nursing him to sleep, that I didn’t even think about how hard this new transition would be for ME. I immediately had feelings of “look, he fell asleep all on his own, I’m so proud of him” to “I guess he doesn’t need me anymore” “he DOES need me, that’s why he cried so much tonight” “I’m a terrible mom for letting him cry” etc etc etc.
As I sat there confused by all of my own thoughts, cried, and told Caden what I was feeling.. he reminded me that it’s OKAY to feel this way. It’s OKAY to be sad that Clyde is growing up and will learn to do things without me. It’s OKAY that we have to teach him these things and sometimes it takes time (and more and more time!) And most of all that he will ALWAYS need his mama, no matter what, just like I still need mine.
If you’ve made it this far.. I just want to say that:
1—being a new mom requires patience with yourself and faith that you’re doing the right thing.
2—you need a support system. I’m lucky enough to have a husband to support me through it but I also know it is SO possible to do it without a partner too (shout out to all of you single parents—my mom did it and remembering that gives me so much strength)
3—It is always okay to put YOUR mental health first. Happy mom, happy kids, happy life.
4—no matter how fast those little ones grow up, YOU will always be their mama. ❤️
Sunflower Festival | Hee Haw Farms
Sunflower Festival | Hee Haw Farms
We went to the Sunflower Festival at Hee Haw Farms this past weekend and had so much fun! We of course took lots of photos with the huge sunflowers and went on a hay ride together! It was such a fun way to spend the night!
Soon it’ll be pumpkin patches that fill our days and I’m so excited!
Six Months | Milestone Pictures | Half Birthday Pictures
Six Months | Milestone Pictures | Half Birthday Pictures
Clyde is SIX MONTHS OLD!! How?! The fact that half a year has already gone by is killing me. I’ve been looking through and sending Caden alllll of the videos and photos of Clyde as a tiny tiny baby and it has us feeling all the feels. Six months is already a huge milestone, but Clyde has also grown up SOO much this month so it’s making it all the more real. He seriously makes us laugh EVERY single day and usually tear up too because he is just so precious.
This month Clyde:
- Said his first word! MAMA! Toward the end of last month/beginning of this month he was always saying “ma ma ma ma ma” but without much context to it. Then on 8/18 he just straight up reached for me and said “mama!” I obviously died in that moment.
- As I mentioned in my last point, now reaches for people! He hasn’t really turned anyone down yet either.. the kid loves to be held.
- Is SO ticklish! I’ve said this before I’m sure, but he gets more and more ticklish as the days go on!
- Rolls both ways now! This month he learned to roll from his back to his belly after practicing all last month! He especially thinks it’s SUPER fun to roll over while I’m changing his diaper.. haha
- Has mastered the fake cough! Haha! I didn’t know that was a thing until he started doing it out of no where and clearly for attention! It’s pretty cute.
- He loved to hold my hand and will always intertwine his fingers in mine.
- LOVES when we “bite” his hands and toes! He also gets SO excited when Caden pretends to bite his sides aka “corn on the cob!”
- Can finally reach the floor in his little walker toy and exersauser! The day we gave him the exersauser– he about died with excitement. He absolutely loves figuring out all of the sounds and toys it has!
- Has a new found love for books! We need to be better about reading to him more regularly, because he is SO interested and loves every single minute of it!
- Has transitioned his arms out of the swaddle! I thought that might be tricky to do, but he handled it like a champ and actually sleeps even better since he can now put his own binky back in!
- Has slept 10-12 hours straight each night!
- Started sitting in his high chair at meal times and exploring with utensils, bowls, and cups! He is SO ready for food. We will be doing BLW so we’ve been waiting to start food til he was 6 months AND sitting unassisted. However, he has been watching us so closely for months now and has mastered what to do with silverware and cups!
- He loves to pat MY back while I burp him. He’s hilarious and he knows it.
- Rests his head on our shoulders and rubs his little eyes constantly when he’s tired. It’s probably my most favorite thing about him right now.. it’s the cutest. The resting on shoulder part is so cute too especially since he hasn’t really been one to cuddle like that since he was a few weeks old!
- Weighs 14 pounds and 10.5 ounces and is 25.3 inches tall! This is HUGE for him and I’m SO proud of our little guy!
This month we:
- Celebrated Caden’s 25th birthday! Clyde got to visit dad at work and loved all of his co-workers loving on him! Caden and I got a night out and went to Desert Star and saw the Sunday School Musical. Haha. It was a mix of High School Musical & The Greatest Showman. It was pretty funny! Not our all time fave but funny and a fun night out! We also went to our all time favorite dessert place The Chocolate. (:
- Went to Cherry Hill with my side of the family! It was a ton of fun! Even Clyde liked it!! We were so happy that he finally enjoyed water.. haha. He slept through me carrying him while walking through the lazy river, and floating on a tube, until we got splashed.. haha. But he did great and actually loved getting in and swimming in his Otteroo!
- Went to Caden’s family’s cabin over Labor Day weekend! We had so much fun there! We spent time with family, four wheeled, played games, ate good food, and went on a Razor ride!
Here’s this month in pictures..