Clyde is two months old!! It’s all going by so fast. I already feel like I blinked and missed all of his sweet newborn days. Haha. We’re soaking up the snuggles while they last and just loving every moment we have!
This month Clyde:
- Had his first shower with dad! He LOVES this and we love not having to fight him to take a bath.
- Is slowly but surely getting bigger! He is still pretty tiny.. BUT he moved to size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothing at the beginning of his second month!
- Is such a smiler!! He LOVES to smile and seems to especially love girls. I’m in trouble already!
- Loves to sleepy cuddle on our chests!
- Has started cooing this month and LOVES to “talk!” He will sit and have full blown conversations and it’s our favorite!
- Has been finding his hands and feet more and more as the days go on! He is so interested in them and loooovvvees to suck on his fist.. and really anything else he can get his hands on!
- Loves to have your full attention! Especially from mom! He will start yapping at you as soon as you look away for too long! Haha. It’s pretty great. Especially because as soon as you turn back to him he flashes one of those smiles of his!
Here are some highlights from our month and his 2 month pictures! (: