Everett is three months old!! Oh my goodness! This month definitely flew by but it was so much fun!
This month Everett:
- Has started to giggle! He doesn’t do it alllll the time, but when he does it is the absolute cutest thing! He especially loves when you touch his nose or kiss his neck!
- Definitely has learned when mom walks away from him and does NOT like it. He is super chill but he always wants to be held or talked to, and will watch as I walk away and start to get sad. Haha. But even just talking to him calms him down!
- Got his tongue tie released! After all of the problems Clyde had from his tongue tie, we decided to get Everett’s released as well, even though he hasn’t had problems gaining weight. It’s been hard doing stretches and what not but he’s healing great and latching great too!
- Got diagnosed with Torticollis. Basically it means that his head has difficulty turning to his left side which effects nursing (he can only eat in football hold) as well as it has made it so his head is flattening on one side and kind of bulging on the other. For treatment we have been going to the chiropractor and will have to continue to do so 3x’s per week for a couple of months. However, after only 2 adjustments we have seen AMAZING progress and he is already eating better in a cross cradle position and turning his neck SO much easier! Go Ev!
- Has the CUTEST pouty lip that comes out when someone he doesn’t recognize talks to him. It’s kinda sad but also SO cute.
- Is growing out of his 0-3 month clothes but still in size 1 diapers!
- Has been waking up once per night (well at like 6am) and will ONLY go back to sleep if he is held.. then he passes out immediately.
- This month we:
- Celebrated Christmas! That was definitely the highlight of the month and sooo much fun. Of course it was Ev’s first Christmas but it also felt like Clyde’s because he is able to understand so much better this year! He loved pointing out “trees” and “Santa” everywhere we went and he was such a light on Christmas morning. He got a kitchen and his favorite BUZZ! Everett LOVED laying under the tree and looking at the Christmas lights!
- Went sledding, saw lots of Christmas lights, saw Santa at the aquarium, made lots of cookies, and watched LOTS of Christmas movies!
- Celebrated New Years! We had some friends over for food and games and rang in the new year! We celebrated with the kiddos before bed time and then partied until almost 5 am! The next day was rough. Hahaha
Here’s this month in pictures..