Three months old?! Time is literally flying by. This month has been so much fun watching Clyde grow! He is so much fun and amazes us everyday with the things he does!
This month Clyde:
- Had his first giggle! He doesn’t laugh super often but when he does 😍 Even when he’s not full on giggling he does this tiny, quiet little laugh when we kiss his neck and it is to die for!
- Went from finding his hands to ALWAYS having his hands/fingers in his mouth or really anything he can grab hold of!
- Became mesmerized by his “squirrel” car seat toy and the mobile in his crib! He could stare at those for hours!
- Loves to talk and really wants your full attention and eye contact as you listen! Haha
- LOVES to look at himself in the mirror! Caden got me a new full length mirror for Mother’s Day and Clyde is OBSESSED and will sit there and look at himself all day.
- Started to enjoy tummy time a bit more!
- Rolled from tummy to back during tummy time!
- Gets really jealous when we eat food in front of him and stares it up and down.
This month we:
- Took Clyde to the cabin for the first time! He loved hanging out with the family and mainly the little kids! I worried how we would be sleeping in an unfamiliar place but he’s a champ and still slept 8 hours through the night!
- Went to Clyde’s first movie in theaters! For Caden and I’s 6 year dating anniversary we wanted to go see a movie and I thought he would do fine so we took him along and he did awesome! He either nursed, slept or just sat on my lap and watched the entire thing with only one peep when I woke him up. Haha
- BOUGHT A HOUSE! Woo! This is something we have wanted for as long as we can remember and we’re super excited to finally be here! We are so excited to have a solid neighborhood for Clyde to grow up in the next couple years and to just be in a place we LOVE! I’ll definitely share more pics soon. (:
Here’s this month in pictures..