One Month | Milestone Pictures
Nora’s first month went by WAY too fast. The more babies we have, the faster time flies. Probably because we’re running around like crazy people most of the time. Haha. But we really had a great first month spent with our baby girl. It was a whirlwind of emotions, and a huge adjustment, but we truly have loved having her here! The boys have handled the change SO well and genuinely loved every second of her. Nora is a pretty calm baby and just a snuggly little sweetheart!
This month Nora:
- Slept a LOT! For the first couple weeks especially, she was hardly awake and didn’t even want to wake to eat. She generally sleeps 6-7 hour stretches at night and most of the day too. She definitely prefers being held vs her bassinet but she is adjusting pretty well!
- Doesn’t LOVE eating. She’s had a bit of a hard time eating thus far. She was SO sleepy at first that she really had little interest in nursing, so I started pumping exclusively and even taking a bottle was a bit of a struggle. It took her about an hour each feeding and she was never too enthused to be doing so. She had a pretty bad lip tie that we noticed was probably contributing to these issues amongst other things as well, so we got that revised a couple days ago and so far we’ve seen big improvements!
- Had jaundice that led to her being on lights at home for a few days. I was SO sad when we found out she needed lights, but was grateful they were able to do a light blanket so we were still able to hold her and such! She didn’t mind them at all and they luckily helped quickly so she could stop getting her cute little heel poked every day.
- Almost gained her birth weight back by her two week appointment, and then gained another pound after that! She’s doing awesome and is very healthy and we’re very grateful for that!
- Doesn’t mind our chaos at all. She thrives being around her big brothers and sleeping or not, doesn’t mind all of the noise at all, in fact she prefers it!
- Cries real tears! I don’t remember my other babies having tears this young. She’s already the drama queen of the family! (;
- Loves to snuggle! By far the cuddliest of our babies. Doesn’t matter who, when, or where, she loves it.
- Wearing newborn clothes and moved into size 1 diapers. Mostly because we ran out of newborns.. hahaha but they fit perfectly! Oh and side note.. she has peed on us WAY more than the boys ever did. So there’s that!
- Is called: Nor, Norta (thanks Clyde, it’s stuck haha), Baby, Nora the Explorer, Princess Nora
- Also loves: being bounced, staring off into space, being swaddled, showers, and holding her hands by her face!
- Hates: Being laid down. Haha also getting her nails trimmed!
- Reminds us the most of Clyde as a baby! Right away we thought they looked the most similar but they are also very similar babies thus far. Love to sleep, some trouble with eating and therefor jaundice, too strong for their own good and think they should stand up and hold their head right away, she’s even got a red hue to her hair!
This month we:
- Adjusted to being a family of 5! It’s mostly been a huge adjustment after Caden started going back to work and I had less hands than babies. Haha. We’re figuring it out day by day!
- Spent lots of nights in the backyard playing! We didn’t go out a whole lot all together but luckily the boys were able to go on a few fun outings with family! We’re lucky to have so many helpful hands in our corner and I’m especially grateful the boys were able to get out and have some fun summer days!
- Celebrated our 6 year anniversary! My mom took the boys and we spent the day figuring out newborn life, watching a movie and eating take out!
- Celebrated the 4th of July! That weekend was some of the first days we went out and about and it was jam packed with fun! Fireworks, bbq’s, splash pads, etc. with lots of family and friends was super fun and good to get back to some normalcy!
Here’s this month in pictures..

Nora girl, you are so loved!!