I can’t even believe it’s been a month! Seriously the fastest month of my life!
This month Clyde:
- Wears newborn clothes and newborn diapers!
- Loves nursing and does it a whole lot!
- Loves to cuddle ❤️
- Loves when daddy swings him in his car seat
- Sleeps like an angel! 6 hour stretches at night only waking to eat. 🙌🏻
- Hates baths!
- Loves to be rocked any chance he gets!
- Loves staring at pictures on our walls!
- Has the absolute sweetest smile, but usually when my camera isn’t out. 😅
Clyde has the sweetest personality! Everyone tells us how alert he is, and it’s so true! He is either asleep or wide awake! He is so interested in everything happening around him and everyone he meets! He loves to meet new people and he will stare right into your heart and soul with those blue eyes!
We’re absolutely smitten by this tiny boy!