Eleven Months | Milestone Pictures
Only one more month until my baby is ONE!! It’s hitting HARD this month that he is growing up and it’s honestly so amazing and soul crushing at the same time. Haha
This month Clyde:
- Is pulling up onto EVERYTHING!!! There’s no more being content for this one. He is on it all!
- Is walking along furniture.. and FAST! The beginning of the month we were amazed he was walking along the table as we tempted him with cheerios haha. But mid month he was making laps!
- Tried more new foods: kiwi, tilapia, sticky fingers, hummus, noodles, lasagna, Dunford chocolate chocolate donut, chicken salad, gogurt, finally liked oatmeal (mixed with oranges,) cup of noodles, pad Thai, and orange chicken.
- Waves “hi” and “bye” on demand! ANYtime someone says one of those words, he waves. Doesn’t matter if it was said to him or not. Haha. In the car the other day I said “bye Felicia” to Caden and he started waving. It was adorable and hilarious.
- Climbs stairs! That was his birthday present to me. Haha. He had never climbed a single stair before and then just climbed the entire flight of stairs without a second thought! It was impressive!
- Loves to turn on his humidifier himself.. and is always playing with the knob to do so.
- Started signing “more” Really he just claps but that is what it means to him so I’m going with it. Haha
- Gives the WETEST of kisses. Usually your whole face is wet and it’s the best.
- Loves to dance anytime he hears a beat! He will shake his head to the side, bounce up and down and shake his booty! His all time favorite song is the “Get Up” but he also enjoys Baby Shark, Popcorn Popping, and any song that he can dance to really.
- Opens alllll the cabinets! Especially in the bathroom and our kitchen’s hutch. He loves trying to do it before mom or dad can catch him!
- Says: “nana” (which usually he means “no” by) and “mmmm” anytime he is eating something yummy.
- Learned to sit from a standing position! This was so fun to watch him learn. He would bend down slowly at first, then he just casually started moving from standing to sitting to crawling, etc.
This month we:
- Adjusted to dog life. Haha. Clyde still enjoys trying to eat dog food and splashing in her water.. so that’s been fun. But they are sooo funny together! They’re seriously best friends and follow each other around EVERYWHERE. I always find them in mischief together and it’s pretty hard to be mad. Haha
- Celebrated my 25th birthday! We celebrated with a family dinner at my moms, a friends game night and brownies at our house, and Caden took me to The Melting Pot! We had a ton of fun! The food wasn’t my fave which was sad but the chocolate fondue was AMAZING and it was just a really fun time just the two of us!
- Took a spontaneous trip to St. George with some of our best friends! We seriously decided to go on a Tuesday at like 9pm, invited our friends, and left Thursday afternoon. It was SO MUCH FUN. I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking but it was a weekend to remember for sure.
Here’s this month in pictures..