Being pregnant during a pandemic
Turns out when you’re pregnant through a pandemic, with a toddler, things get a little crazy. I’ve definitely slacked with blogging but I’m back! I figured before I shared pictures of our new addition, I should probably document the fact that I was pregnant at all. Haha
I got pregnant when Clyde was 10 months old, but by the time I was 9 weeks and started wanting to tell people, COVID happened. To be honest, it was a pretty sad time to be pregnant because we couldn’t celebrate it with all of our loved ones like we wanted to. We didn’t have a fun gender reveal party, instead we gathered with only our parents, six feet + apart with masks. At the time we thought that it would all pass at least before our baby BOY was born, but oh what a year it has been!!
As time went on, I was really grateful to be pregnant during this crazy year. Knowing I was having a baby in 2020 made me remember that there would be JOY at the end of the tunnel and it was all going to be okay. This year made me want more than ever to raise strong, resilient, kind children. It taught me that all I really need is within the walls of my own home.
Being pregnant in a pandemic wasn’t always fun, but I’m grateful for the extra time I had to connect with my unborn baby, and my other boys at home too.
As always, pictures are my favorite way to remember moments so here are my maternity pictures at 35 weeks pregnant!