Nora is SIX months!! How in the world.. The past six months have truly flown and it makes me really sad that she is already half way to one. I wish I could memorize every little detail about her right now and keep her little forever. Turns out the more kids you have, the faster they each grow up and it’s quite devastating and so much fun all at the same time!
This month Nora:
- Started scooting! Last month I considered what she was doing as a scoot but now she really gets to where she wants to be and pulls her body there quickly!
- Is obsessed with her toes! She is constantly grabbing them and putting them to her mouth. Also her most ticklish spot for sure and she lives for it!
- Loves having her head rubbed. Haha!
- Finally started to **sometimes** hold her bottle.. better than at the beginning of the month where she tried to hold it with her feet!!
- Started reaching for people and things!
- Is soo interested in food. Haha. Maybe she will be a baby foodie like her brothers! We haven’t started feeding her yet since she can’t quite sit unassisted but she is getting there and I’m sure we will be able to start soon! I’m not ready.. haha! In the mean time, she likes to sit in the high chair and be a part of the action!
- Says “Mama” all the time. Especially when she is sad though! She said it a couple months ago but now she says it often and Clyde is always so impressed with her and makes sure that I hear her!
- Can get her binky in and out on her own and likes to switch them out for a fresh one. She still hardly takes a binky so it’s more of a crib game than anything.
- Much more observant and loving being more a part of the fun!
- Is 15.92 pounds which is the same exact size as Everett at this age, however, she is an inch taller than he was at 26 inches!
- Transitioned out of her bassinet and into the pack and play, still in our room next to our bed. We will move her into her room soon.. I just need to get back out curtains up.
- Was blessed by her daddy!
- Is soooo loved by everyone but especially her brothers. They ADORE her. Clyde loves to talk to her and lay with her in her bed or his and Everett just wants to be riiiiiight next to her at all times! He claps for her every time she rolls over (which is a lot) and makes sure that we all stop to acknowledge her accomplishments. Haha! Seeing the boys with her melts my mama heart.
This month we:
- Did Thanksgiving Heroes for the second year! Such a fun tradition and so easy to let the kids be a part of it. They loved carrying the food up to the doors and telling them “happy thanksgiving!”
- Got COVID at our house right before Thanksgiving so we had an impromptu dinner at our house together complete with traditional family foods that my parents delivered to us. I was super sad about it at first, but honestly it turned out to be really fun to just be the five of us.
- Started celebrating Christmas with a family party, going to the Christmas in Color light show, and visiting Santa!
- Were sick. A lot! Basically all of November, at least one kid was sick and even a couple days into December. It was quite awful but we made it through and are praying for healthier days to come!
- Caden and I were to LA for his company’s Holiday party! The kids stayed home with my parents and were spoiled and had so much fun making gingerbread houses, arts and crafts and spending time with Nana and Papa! We had a blast getting all dressed up for the party and also just relaxing and having some time together!
Here’s this month in pictures..