Four Months | Milestone Pictures
For some reason four months old is feeling like a huge milestone! I’m sure I say it way too much, but he is growing way too quick!
This month has been so much fun! Clyde continues to get more and more personality every day! It has been so much fun to watch him learn something new every second and GROW!
This month Clyde:
- Holds his own binky and can hold his toys!
- Tried watermelon.. haha. Daddy couldn’t resist handing him a piece and he LOVED it.
- Learned his name! Before this month he had no clue what his name was, but ever since his blessing day he has responded and it’s THE cutest thing.
- Can roll from tummy to back quickly and consistently and loves doing so!
- Babbles CONSTANTLY!! Seriously will talk to you for minutes at a time with what seems like no breaths in-between!
- Loves to growl! Haha! It’s the cutest little sound. We’re obsessed!
- Has started to get a little bit of chub! Still just so tiny but his extra skin is starting to fill out in his legs and back and his tummy is rounder than ever!
- LOVES kisses, especially on the neck!
- Loves to be tickled and has almost a silent laugh! That’s the best way I can describe it. Haha
- Can’t keep his fist out of his mouth!
- LOVESSSSSS this Youtube show called Harry and Larry! I found it in the car one day when I ran out of ideas to get him to stop screaming and he has been OBSESSED since. Anyone that knows him knows this is his thing… hahaha.
- Is not a fan of his carseat (hence the rabbit show!) He does okay for a little bit but doesn’t love our new drive home!
- He is his own #1 fan! Seriously.. anytime he sees himself or a picture of himself he goes crazy. It’s the cutest!
- Transitioned out of his Dockatot! I thought that would be hard to do but he handled it so well and I’m so grateful! He still loves to use it around the house/while we’re out but I’m grateful we got his used to sleeping without it.
This month we:
- Went to Lagoon! We left him with his “crazy aunt” for most of the day but he joined us for the evening and slept the entire time. Haha. Maybe next time he will at least go on the carousal!
- Went to the Manti Pageant! We decided to go to this like an hour before we left so it was definitely an adventure! We went because it was the last year and it was a blast with our bffs. Clyde handled it like a champ and slept the entire 2 hour drive each way and most of the show!
- Caden blessed Clyde! Read about that here!
- Celebrated Caden’s first Father’s Day! We bought him a Traeger and Clyde made him a cute little handprint craft!
- Celebrated the 4th of July! We love this holiday so much. America is the best! I made a pan of flag brownies, went to a bbq with my family, and another and fireworks with his!
- Went to the drive in movies to see Toy Story 4! This was so perfect to do with a baby! He just got to watch and cuddle or sleep! It worked great!
Here’s this month in pictures..